using what is denied, denigrated and despised to disrupt personal and cultural stagnation.


evolution incarnate

"We have a mission to create, for we are evolution incarnate.

We are her self-awareness, her frontal lobes and fingertips.

We are second-generation star stuff come alive.

We are parts of something 3.5 billion years old, but pubertal in cosmic time.

We are neurons of this planet's interspecies mind."

Howard Bloom, Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century


gizmos, robots, and dolls -- oh my!

i picked this article on the future of sex off of reuters today. by turns it has a-mused and be-mused me. however, it's only when you get toward the end of the article that its relation to consciousness and experience becomes evident.


Going even a level further, other researchers say in decades to come advanced devices will be able to stimulate the brain to create a sexual experience without manipulating genitalia.

Marvin Minsky, a pioneer in the study of artificial intelligence dating back to 1951, said such devices could either trigger an actual physical response from the brain, or have the entire experience take place in the mind with the sensation of sex -- but without the mess or risk of sexually transmitted disease.

we've long known that the primary sexual organ for any human being is the brain. it's our minds and imaginations that turn us on (which, imo, is why intelligent persons are inherently sexier than the other kind), it's the strength of will and focus that determines so much of the character of sexual experience. in sex magick, it is the mind and will that moves the energy, assisted by the bodies present. but does that limit the entire experience to the body/mind?

when humanity can stimulate a complete (physiological) sexual experience ``without manipulating genitalia,'' is it still really sex?

perhaps a scientist would think so. a muse is not so sure.

by 2016 they say, i'll probably be able to try it for myself.

i'm wondering if something like this will ever be able to
dance with me in a cage
and drive me wild...


the ark of the covenant

(copy/pasted from Toxick Bloging)

Lion lust
Queen of Spheres
Monad windowless divining
Arrow thrust
Deathless years
Star alembic role defining

Neptune's trident
Sea storm strident
Waves combining
Forms intwining
Sea salt teeming
Pledge redeeming
Bivalve plenum
Star-spate venom
Screwing physis
Starry Isis

Grail task
Night sky manic
Fierce love of Heaven, pull of soul
Lampshade mask
Love joy panic
Diana Zagreus, take your toll!

Sailor drowning
Hound dog clowning
Meaning hidden
Knowledge midden
Salt shape sigil
Star spray vigil
Name reviling
Goddess smiling
Snake vibration
Sharp elation

-- Grady L. McMurtry

thanks, chris.