using what is denied, denigrated and despised to disrupt personal and cultural stagnation.


Occulterati #1: "Foolish Persons"

John Harrigan and Nick Pell discuss situationist threatre, esotechnology, and enochian magicks.

Duration :: 00:32:56

Hosts :: Brenden Simpson, Wu
Release: Monday, October 30, 2006

monday already?

the good news is that the public areas of the toxick temple have a whole new look and i spent all weekend creating it.

the bad news is that i am so far behind on reading/researching/writing it will take me the rest of the week to get caught up.

and i've barely started the inner sanctuary yet.

:: sigh ::

got to find time to work on that bi-location thing, honestly...


500 channels and there's nothing on....

the internet is a lot like cable television, i suspect.

i have to "suspect" because i have never had cable television. i've heard those who do have it say this too, though:

"how can there be 500 channels and nothing on i want to watch?"

the internet is like that for me tonight. terrabytes of content, and nothing appeals.

it would worry me except that i suspect (again) that what i'm looking for tonight just isn't to be had online....


co(s)mic meditation

okay, i can't resist...


as in, two from out of the blue this morning (well, three, but i'm only going to talk about two of them here) to shake up whatever passes for reality here at the toxick temple.

these two came from rob brezsny's FreeWill Astrology newsletter. the first was the opener:

"If you desire to know where your spiritual work lies, look to your emotional pain."
--Alan Cohen, "Wisdom of The Heart"

i suspect that's probably pretty good advice. where was the man when i was asking this question ten years ago?

next, the actual weekly forecast for sagittarius:
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The phase you're entering may prove to be ridiculously confounding -- ridiculous both in the sense of absurdly extreme and very funny. Yet the immediate future also promises to provide you with unprecedented opportunities to outgrow limitations you may have imagined were permanent. To honor this synergistic blend of slapstick confusion and juicy potential, I'm offering you two pieces of advice. The first is from Eleanor Roosevelt: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." The second is from Edward Teller: "When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly."

well, it promises to be amusing, anyway.

no one knows i spent about three years of my life with that second quote taped to my bathroom mirror... the rearview mirror in my car... stuck to the inside of my dayplanner... i would have gotten it tattooed on my forehead if i hadn't been so intent on blending in with the 'danes at that time.

looking back, i know it was true. back then, it was both mantra and profound supplication.


Your Politics Are Boring As Fuck

from one of my new favorite websites, no, i'm not going to reproduce
the whole thing
here -- click your mouse and go read it, fer crissakes!

but, a few excerpts....

You know it's true. Otherwise, why does everyone cringe when you say the word? Why has attendance at your anarcho-communist theory discussion group meetings fallen to an all—time low? Why has the oppressed proletariat not come to its senses and joined you in your fight for world liberation?


When you make politics into a lifeless thing, a joyless thing, a dreadful responsibility, it becomes just another weight upon people, rather than a means to lift weight from people. And thus you ruin the idea of politics for the people to whom it should be most important. For everyone has a stake in considering their lives, in asking themselves what they want out of life and how they can get it. But you make politics look to them like a miserable, self-referential, pointless middle class/bohemian game, a game with no relevance to the real lives they are living out.


What should be political? Whether we enjoy what we do to get food and shelter. Whether we feel like our daily interactions with our friends, neighbors, and coworkers are fulfilling. Whether we have the opportunity to live each day the way we desire to. And "politics" should consist not of merely discussing these questions, but of acting directly to improve our lives in the immediate present.

reading this absolutely made my day... maybe my whole week. thank you, nadia c., whoever you are.



When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
-- Hunter S. Thompson

i saw him speak in kentucky when i was at university. he sat there drinking (scotch? or was it gin? i can't remember) liquor in a dry county and trashed kentucky thoroughly, along with the current administration (i'm not telling), religion, journalists and journalism; we laughed and he would excoriate us for laughing. god, we loved every minute of it.

fear and loathing in las vegas was a riot of a read from one end to the other and still amazingly pertinent today in some ways.

i'm no longer a part of the drug culture... i wonder if i'd still enjoy it as much...?

requiescat en pace, old man.


the dance of death

"To make love. we dance with Death. There will be flowing, there will be draining, there will be live birth and still birth and yet born-again birth of something new. To love is to learn the steps. To make love is to dance the dance".
-- Namita Gokhale, The Book of Shiva

i arose from the mists, body sinuous and serpent-like, scenting and tasting the air, caressed by each mote of water as it clung to the surface of my skin.

the beloved arose beside me, his long dark hair sweet with all the fragrance of desire and destruction. his strong, muscular body wrapped around mine. the mists upon his skin coalesced with that which clung to me, and the world was deluged in the flood.

we swam within it for eons, entwined, locked together point for point, lost in the ecstasy of shared communion. passion encased us within its shell. we died together even as the breath of rapture left our lips.

i arose from the mists, body sinuous and serpent-like, scenting and tasting the air, caressed by each mote of water as it clung to the surface of my skin...


another quote, so relevant...

Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it.
-- William Durant

walking between the worlds

i've never done much dream work. for someone who usually doesn't remember her dreams, it's an undependable way to approach what i've come to call "the deep work." instead i've used meditation, contemplation, symbol analysis, visual arts, all good ways to access what's locked away in the deepest parts of me, to bring them to light for analysis, healing, and integration.

so, when my friend chaoflux23 invited me to participate in
key23's dreamspace project, i hesitated. i don't usually remember my dreams, i thought to myself. And then i remembered the other half of that maxim.

when i do remember my dreams, they're fairly important.
i resolved to post the next dream i remembered on dreamspace.

a resolution like that resounds throughout the multiverse. within two days i was calling up that link in gmail, ready to type in
the dream. it had some resonance, some quirky symbolism, and left me feeling a little unsettled --- all good indicators that the murky, chunky soup in my subconscious was ready to give over something fairly significant.

it was jung who said, i think, that one good dream would yield a lifetime's worth of analysis. i suspect it's probably true -- information gotten during the deep work has many layers, accesses many levels of reality. the questions posed from that dream (aided by my crazy magus-friend chris titan) led me to entertain an action i'd not considered for 7 or 8 years -- taking a deliberately conscious astral journey to follow up on the dream's messages.

could i still make it into the astral, that crazy-quilt place where symbolism is both language and currency? where consensual reality and dream are in your face about being the same thing? if i made it, could i retain enough energy to function? most especially, would i remember?

i won't bore you with the details. i decided to use the full moon energy on october 6th, 2006. the results are recorded here.

i'm as surprised as anyone that it worked.

again i used the dreamspace wiki and chris's insightful help to find some things that look like potential answers. go read it and follow the links --- it's silly to recreate that net of interconnections here.

the point is that i found dreamwork to be a valuable resource in the deep work especially when the collective consciousness (in the form of friends online and real-time) got involved to help. it's all in line
with where i want to take my work (inner and outer) in this next phase of my life: out into the community, group space, the egregore that informs and illuminates us all.

now i have two potential paths before me. interestingly, it's not necessarily and either/or situation. it very likely could be a both/and.

my book


sex parties

the contemplative tradition, and/or sex magick...

the mystic... the occultist...

merging these two distinct approaches to higher consciousness is just crazy to think about.

sanity's highly over-rated, anyway.


kali says...


I am going to burn down the world

I am going to tear down everything that cannot stand alone

I am going to turn ideals to shit

I am going to shove hope up your ass

I am going to reduce everything that stands to rubble
and then I am going to burn the rubble
and then I am going to scatter the ashes
and then maybe SOMEONE will be able to see SOMETHING as it really is


--Mel Lyman


the inn of the snakes

I came to the Inn of the Snakes (the Quetzalcoatl) with a group of friends. It did not appear the same as it did last time, but I understand that this chameleon-like quality is one of the hallmarks of the place. Once we got inside there were snake sculptures everywhere -- at least, they looked like sculptures when I looked right at them. In my peripheral vision, they moved and behaved as live snakes would, though they didn't seem to threaten anyone inside.

There were many other people there, and I recognized at least two members of my local sex-positive community. They were its leaders at one time, but their relationship broke down over a month ago and they are now separated. B, the male half of the couple, was shit-faced drunk...

I remember standing in front of a mirror in that place, cutting my own hair off in a very determined and ritualistic way... (another metaphor for sacrifice)

And the next thing I remember is being escorted to a huge room where "the game" was played. I had earned the right to play the game (through the sacrifice? not sure). It somewhat resembled an arcade or pinball game, only it was huge -- nearly room-sized, with an open top and pieces that could be picked up and moved at will.

The last thing I recall is walking out of the Inn of the Snakes and finding B puking his guts up at the curb.


emerging into group consciousness

toxick muse is a happy girl. her friends wu and fenris23 and new acquaintance klintron have all evinced interest in the meta-concepts expressed in Spiral Dynamics, an exciting new way to approach "emergent cyclical theory of human behavior and value systems."

i read this book and all attendant discussions a year ago, but have had no one with whom to discuss it since, let alone anyone to help me find practical value in its precepts by applying them to everyday concepts. just the thought of having these three very intelligent and creative men to bat this around with me...

if you are interested in the cycles of human evolution and know they didn't stop with you, then you may want to check out these articles at What is Enlightenment?" the online magazine version of the paper publication. they do not take the place of reading the actual book, but they'll give you a good idea of the core concepts.

:: happy sigh ::

it's been a long time coming.

thanks, guys!

dead for five

...and no one knew it.

(courtesy of Reuters)

VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian authorities have discovered the body of a man who apparently died at home in bed five years ago, a Vienna newspaper reported on Wednesday.

The corpse of Franz Riedl, thought to have been in his late 80s when he died, went undetected for so long because his rent had been paid by automatic order from the bank account into which he received his pension, the daily Kurier said.

Neighbors said there was no strange smell coming from Riedl's apartment and authorities who found the body after a court order was given to enter said his body appeared to have "mummified" and was well preserved.

"He had been frail and a woman had helped him," the husband of the apartment block's caretaker told Kurier, adding that mail had always piled up outside the pensioner's flat. "We thought he had moved in with her or gone to an old people's home."

Police said they were not certain as to exactly when the man had died, but that they had found only schilling notes in the apartment -- the currency used by Austria before the introduction of the euro on January 1, 2002.

no one noticed he was dead.

i wonder if mr. riedl himself did...?


meeting god in darkness

"The moment you come to trust chaos, you see God clearly. Chaos is divine order, versus human order. Change is divine order, versus human order. When the chaos becomes safety to you, then you know you're seeing God clearly."
--Caroline Myss, Spiritual Madness: The Necessity of Meeting God in Darkness

sometimes, it is very difficult to live in that truth.

always though, it is very necessary...


the broken road home

for those of you who've already checked into key23's dreamspace and read this piece there, my apologies. it just occurred to me this morning that i'd like a back up copy stored elsewhere...

i became conscious that there was a lot of stuff in front of me, and it needed to be moved to the ship that was moored at the docks down on the river. there were a lot of people around, most of them people i'd gone to the wall for in the past. none of them would help me move any of it. i felt so frustrated, but i didn't kill them. i just picked up a box and headed down to the ship.

a beautiful dark-haired woman approached me and offered me lodging at her inn. we arrived there, a gorgeous airy building limned in greenery and light. "this is the quetzlcoatl," she told me, and i saw the signs emblazoned with the quetzlcoatl everywhere...

she took me to a room with walls of glass. within was a man. when we looked at each other i knew i'd known him before, even though we'd never met. he was completely average looking, but his eyes were deep and clear and wise... he appeared to be in his 30's, wearing jeans and a tan sports jacket over a t-shirt. sexy, in a wholesome sort of way. the three of us made an ecstatic sort of love then, for an indeterminate time...

then there were men entering the room, sober serious men. they were to have a meeting, but i didn't want to stay. i remembered i'd left an article of clothing, which needed repaired at home. i wanted to walk home to get it. the man who was now my lover accompanied me.

we were walking along highway 101, which seemed oddly deserted of traffic. there was another couple walking to my left, garbed in pale colors and with pale hair. i thought they were an elderly couple, so i asked them to come to the right side of the road, where they would be safe if traffic resumed. they didn't speak to me, but they did as i asked. the four of us continued walking up the hill, toward the exit to my street.

we began walking down the exit, but the way was blocked by heavy equipment, a bulldozer and a dump truck, both huge. i guided the elderly couple toward a kind of cat-walk that kept them clear of the equipment while my lover and i negotiated our way around them. the elderly couple got ahead of us, then i saw them walking back. they still hadn't said a word. i managed to crawl over the treads of the bulldozer and saw why they'd turned back --- the road ahead was broken away, completely missing. some cataclysm had destroyed it.

my lover looked at me. "there is another way," he said.