using what is denied, denigrated and despised to disrupt personal and cultural stagnation.


walking between the worlds

i've never done much dream work. for someone who usually doesn't remember her dreams, it's an undependable way to approach what i've come to call "the deep work." instead i've used meditation, contemplation, symbol analysis, visual arts, all good ways to access what's locked away in the deepest parts of me, to bring them to light for analysis, healing, and integration.

so, when my friend chaoflux23 invited me to participate in
key23's dreamspace project, i hesitated. i don't usually remember my dreams, i thought to myself. And then i remembered the other half of that maxim.

when i do remember my dreams, they're fairly important.
i resolved to post the next dream i remembered on dreamspace.

a resolution like that resounds throughout the multiverse. within two days i was calling up that link in gmail, ready to type in
the dream. it had some resonance, some quirky symbolism, and left me feeling a little unsettled --- all good indicators that the murky, chunky soup in my subconscious was ready to give over something fairly significant.

it was jung who said, i think, that one good dream would yield a lifetime's worth of analysis. i suspect it's probably true -- information gotten during the deep work has many layers, accesses many levels of reality. the questions posed from that dream (aided by my crazy magus-friend chris titan) led me to entertain an action i'd not considered for 7 or 8 years -- taking a deliberately conscious astral journey to follow up on the dream's messages.

could i still make it into the astral, that crazy-quilt place where symbolism is both language and currency? where consensual reality and dream are in your face about being the same thing? if i made it, could i retain enough energy to function? most especially, would i remember?

i won't bore you with the details. i decided to use the full moon energy on october 6th, 2006. the results are recorded here.

i'm as surprised as anyone that it worked.

again i used the dreamspace wiki and chris's insightful help to find some things that look like potential answers. go read it and follow the links --- it's silly to recreate that net of interconnections here.

the point is that i found dreamwork to be a valuable resource in the deep work especially when the collective consciousness (in the form of friends online and real-time) got involved to help. it's all in line
with where i want to take my work (inner and outer) in this next phase of my life: out into the community, group space, the egregore that informs and illuminates us all.

now i have two potential paths before me. interestingly, it's not necessarily and either/or situation. it very likely could be a both/and.

my book


sex parties

the contemplative tradition, and/or sex magick...

the mystic... the occultist...

merging these two distinct approaches to higher consciousness is just crazy to think about.

sanity's highly over-rated, anyway.

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